26.05.10 - spelling words too difficult?
This week as Friday is a public holiday , Keith's spelling was brought forward to thursday . We started learning these words since Tuesday night.
1. Soldier
2. Sailor
3. Chef
4. Baker
5. Policeman
6. Journalist
Tuesday was a teary tuesday as he had so much difficulties learning these words. He could only manage to remember 1. Chef.
On the way back home today , ka ka let keith read the words on the way home and tested him. He could remember 3 words. 1. Chef 2. Baker 3. Policeman.
We continued to Phonics Class and after leaving Keith there , mummy went for dinner at Punggol Plaza and also bought Kites for us as Da yi say we are going to the Beach on FRIDAY! :) Yippie!
Mummy has been planning for our outings this long weekend in Singapore.
She will share some ideas later .
After Phonics class , on the cab ... Mummy tested kor kor again and when we reached home , kor kor learned and perfected his spelling at 10pm. He could spell 1. chef 2. baker 3. Policeman well and he would need hints for Soldier as he tend to forget the last 3 letters , he tend to forget Sailor and spells it as Salior and Journalist would always be Journlist. :(
Although he might not score full marks for spelling on thursday , mummy is very proud that he tried his best. Way to go kor kor!
These words are really alittle too challanging for a 5 years old K1 student.
Does your child have spelling in school? Are the words so challenging? Is phonics helping them?
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