Thursday, November 20, 2008

20.11.08 - how lucky we are

Mummy's Thots ....

I never can understand how can a mother do that to her child that she carried in her for 10 full months ...

(copied from SMH Forum)

These were some of the things the baby's mother boyfriend did to the poor baby.

- sliced his fingertips with a Stanley knife before pulling off 2 fingernails with a pair of pliers.
- trained his dogs to bite the defenseless child by biting and growling at the child in front of the dogs in the hope they would do the same which they did. The coroner found dog bites on the baby's skull.
- the monster will picked him up by the throat and threw him in his cot at bed time, hitting him in the privates with a shoe, dropping him from 6 foot, leaving him unchanged for days and punching him so hard in the face causing him to swallow his own tooth (coroner found a tooth in his colon).
- Days before his death the baby was laid, face up on his step father's lap and as his stepfather pressed down on him his spine literally snapped cuasing a chilling snapping sound to ring through the room, leaving him paralyzed from the waist down.
- The poor child was left alone for hours at a time in his filthy, blood-stained cot in the dark dingy room, crying all through the night only to be ignored by his mother and other residents. They should torture the baby's mother boyfriend the same way he tortured Baby P. I can imagine the scream when the baby’s backbone snapped and how he was left alone on his filty cot to suffer in agony. It's a slow and painful death for this baby.

He only got to enjoy one month of happiness in his 17 months of his short life...Poor baby...

**How can a mother watch her boyfriend do such things to a defendless child? Don't news like this tells us how lucky we are to have what we have now and start apreciating instead of grumbling what toys this friend have or that friend have , but you don't have? Shouldn't we just be contented to have parents which loves us so much and gives us whatever they can and meet our need? **


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