12.07.08 - Saturday at home
When did mummy do today? What is she cooking for us?
My mummy hates cooking , coz the oil will hurt her , the cleaning is terrible and she really know Nuts about cooking. When she was 17 years old , she can only cook maggi mee for herself when no one else is in. :(
And becoz of Us .. she is going into the kitchen again. cracking her brain what to cook for next weekend!
I have my puree in cubes today.
Menu :
1. Potatoes
2. Pumpkins
3. Carrots
I enjoyed the pumpkins and potatoes , not so much of carrots but I finish them too . On the account that MY MUMMY made it Just for ME!
Kor kor had better stuff though. He had his soup.
Menu :
1. Mushrooms (lots of it)
2. Potatoes
3. Sweet corns
4. carrots
5. chicken wings
6. alittle salt and pepper.
7. Onions
Very sweet and nice soup for lunch and dinner with white rice! :) Kor kor enjoyed it!
I had a infection on my ear so mummy apply medician on it and tie one side of my hair. then ka ka tie another two so here's my NEW LOOK! :)
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