My Keith Tay Xiang Yuan
- He is turning 6 years old this 21st September
- On the whole , he is a helpful , sensitive , new age boy
- He likes to dress up in his jeans and polo Tee
- He has to gel his hair when he goes out
- He laze in bed everyday and takes 10mins before fully awake in the morning
- He gets cranky if he doesnt Nap in the afternoons
- He doesnt like milk but is drinking his Karihome goat milk because mummy says milk helps him to grow tall
- He loves hugs and kisses
- He still sleeps in the Hammock in the afternoons
- He needs he taggie handy when he sleeps.
- He cries when scold
- He says sorry when he feels sorry
- He cries when mummy is upset
- He loves his parents equally! :)
- He loves to cycle on his two wheeled bicycle , he likes to roller skates.
- He likes to read to us.
- He learns things very fast ( especially the bad and naughty things)
- He likes to show off
- He loves to complain
- He loves his sister but they also always "fight"
My list can go on and on when i think 0f my boy .
Last Wednesday , Keith and me went for MPM maths without mei mei and after class , he wanted to walk home. On the way , we talked , we played at two playgrounds , we played games (alphabet games , number games) and we had fun. Tiring but fun! :P
dash is turning 6 in october, so our kids r really close in ages. :)
yup. very close indeed. hehe we are also staying very nice , should let the kids mingle sometimes. :)
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