Tuesday, April 27, 2010

24.04.10 - Day 2 at Genting

We woke up at 9am and had breakfast dian xin at chinese restaurant near genting resort casino. Nice and not expensive! :)

After that we went to the outdoor theme park . Cost us $178 Ringgit for 3 adults and 2 children. :) during peak period.

Kor kor loves this ride! He took it twice!

1. Spinner

It's a whirlwind adventure that'll take you to breathtaking new heights of excitement! So hop on and get ready for the spin of your life!

48 individual seats
Oscillates and tilts
Rides can rise up to 8 feet
Minimum Height Requirement: 107cm

2. Double Deck Carousel

Ride a proud white charger, a fiery black stallion or even a mystical chariot in this magical 11-metre marvel that's in the Guinness Book of Records for the most number of coloured lights! With a patented design that includes an incredible horizontal steam engine and organ, the Double Deck Carousel is a sight to behold!

We accompanied Hazel on the slower rides too! :)

Our Ka ka , she has been doing really well for the 6 months she has been with us. We loved her alot.

We couldnt go onto these rides as we wasnt tall enough : Min height 122cm

Kor kor loved his tail.

We loved the clowns that made nice balloon flowers and sword for us. Kor kor even fight with daddy with his sword!

Rodeo Rider

Take a ride on the Rodeo Rider and experience the wild wild west!

Minimum Height Requirement: 76cmMaximum Height Requirement: 122cm

Hazel was tall enough for this ride but she was too afraid to try. So kor kor went on it himself!

Kor kor loves cars!
We had fun at the following rides too. Mummy loved the Dumbo ride with kor kor best
Flying Jumbo - mummy took with kor kor , while hazel took with ka ka
Astro Fighter - daddy took with kor kor , while hazel sat with mummy
Tea Cup - kor kor was so dizzy after daddy spin him round and fast. we sat in another tea cup with kaka and mummy
Pirate Train - kor kor went in with ka ka after a long queue!
Boating - kor kor went with daddy as hazel was still too short for this ride.

Wat were they doing? Feeding the fishes. A packet of fish food at $3 ringgit! :)

Kor kor loves to swing with mummy!

If you enjoy archery, you should visit Genting Archery Range, located next to Motion Master. Test your archery skills at 6,000 feet above sea level.
Location: Next to 4D Motion Master, entrance to Outdoor Theme Park from First World Plaza.
Operation Hours: 10.00am to 10.00pm

Normal Bows
RM7 - 10 arrows
RM18 - 30 arrows
RM28 - 50 arrows
RM50 - 100 arrows

Daddy and mummy had their chance of 9 arrows each. Leaving 2 arrows for kor kor to try.

I think he look cool and handsome here. wahaha

How does a lemon taste? Sour ?

Confirmed! Very Sour indeed! hehe

We had dinner at the japan restaurant. Food expensive and not nice. Not recommended. :(
After dinner , all of us including ah ma went to snow city , We had so much fun throw "snow" at each other and building snow castles ... slides and the adults went on the snow slide. ( A MUST TRY!)

Very much frozen , we sat down and watch while mummy and daddy attempt to climb the "Wall"

Mummy made it up to 4 and a half squares which is not too bad for a first timer.

Daddy made it to the 8th square and blame it on not having shoes that stop him from reaching the top. :( hehe try again next time!
We had an early night after all these activities!


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Daddy : Vincent
Age : 30
DOB : 14-08-1978
Office : @Notebook.com

Countup Timers at WishAFriend.com

Kor Kor : Keith Tay Xiang Yuan
DOB : 21-09-2005
School : Amazing Star Montessori House

ME : Hazel Tay Qi Fang
DOB : 20-09-2007
School : Amazing Star Montessori House

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