23.09.09 - Hazel and Keith Growing up ...
Hazel :
1. she is still pretty much a milk queen
2. She has been in childcare since October
3. She is toilet train at home during the day but as she is drinking so much milk at night ... mummy is not training to let her go pamperless at night till she is more ready! :(
4. She speaks in sentenses
5. Her command of English is good , whereas she needs to put in more enough in Chinese.
6. She is only interested in Chinese Songs and can sing Twinkle little star is chinese pretty well!
7. She is more like a boy in character ... She speaks her mind and when bullied will fight back .
8. with her friendly character , she makes friends easier and aunties uncles loves her.
9. She is independent but stubborn at times
10. She still wakes up for milk twice at night. sometimes once. ( 3+ am and 630am)
11. She can drink from a cup
12. She stands at 82cm tall and weighs 13kg.
13. SHe put on weight with her milk intake
14. She loves to eat sweets and Ice-cream!
15. She loves art and craft time
16. She loves teddy bears and cuddlies.
17. She sleeps without her pillows most of the nights now.
18. She is trying to cycle.
19. She eats chicken wings and loves to drink soups
20. She says good night, I love u mummy / daddy every night and likes to shower us with kisses
She is growing slowly but surely ... everytime she comes back from school with handicrafts or a new song to share , mummy's eyes will light up with delight. Mummy's little princess.
1. From young , keith was showered with love by everyone around him.
2. He has very charming eyes and dimples
3. He is still very much attached to his hanky .
4. His temper is still very bad when he is at home but he behaves differently in school
5. He started recently saying bad words and doing silly actions he picks up from school which sadden mummy.
6. He wakes up everymorning still crying to find his things or look for mummy
7. He wants to marry Hazel. :)
8. He always more than willing to help
9. He smiles with sparkling eyes
10. He loves art and craft especially painting time
11. he loves to cycle, swimming and the beach is his favourite outing !
12. He is a Water drinker although he prefers coke.
13. He loves sweets , chocolates and ice-cream
14. He sleeps on his own bed now
15. He stands at 110cm at weighs 17kg
16. He loves food like vegetables , dislike prawns and finishes his soups
17. He loves chicken skin and creamy cakes.
18. His new love is moon cakes
19. He likes Ben 10 and owns a ben 10 watch that he wears to sleep!
20. He shares a love and hate relationship with Hazel! :) but is always a sweet brother
Keith is a smart and sentitive boy , mummy is trying her best not to throw temper at him and take another view of approach toward him. hopefully he will grow into a fine young boy! :)
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