03.03.09 - new ways to make learning fun!
Mummy had finally work out a time-table for me and kor kor , she is also starting the reward system on us. For now there is 2 reward list to follow
1. Good boy/girl list
. if we follow our timetable = +1 sticker
. if never follow = -1 sticker
. if we never fight = +1 sticker
. if fight = -1 sticker
2. reading list
. If we read our books for the day = +1 sticker
when we get 10 stickers , we will get a small gift surprise!
Hope this works for us in the long run!
As for the time-table for kor kor , the activities are
1. Logico board
2. memory board
3. pairing games
4. mazes
5.counting activities
6. Bingo kids
7. chopstick activities
8. reading
9. Flashcards
10. playdoh
11. classifying items
12. linking memory
and mummy is still cracking her brains for more ideas. thinking to add a) painting b) origami and more to next week's time-table.
She is also constantly looking for new games for him
1) fun thinkers
2) Road Block
3) Smart driver
Smart Driver IQ 机灵车手*小红
Bumper to bumper excitement that's jam-packed with challenge...4 big rig trucks, 11 compact cars. Your speedy red sports car stuck in the gridlock.Your desire to do anything else comes to a screeching halt when you attempt to unsnarl the traffic challenges in Smart Driver and make your "full speed ahead" escape.A flashy red sports car, (that's you-naturally), is stuck in a meddle of 4 big rig trucks and 11 compact cars. Do you curse, break into a sweat, give up, give in to the pressure? Noooo Waayyyy!! Sliding colorful blocks-you rev cars & trucks forward, backward. Shifting the vehicle positions and weakening the gridlock...until Phheww! Freedom on the open road! ( and IF you're in a brain jam...hopelessly halted, there will be no citing for traffic violations - just dump out the pieces and start again!)Better than a brain teaser, Smart Driver is a premier sliding block puzzle designed to challenge your sequential thinking skills. Start simple with Level 1 puzzles and by the time you hit Level 4, you'll be hitting the high road with handling expertise in problem solving. Paving the way for whole family fun, this set includes 40 challenge cards from Beginner to Expert (Smart Driver is designed to challenge all skill levels.) 16 Cars, 1 Grid Tray for play with a neat pull-out tray for easy storage.Keep Smart Driver tucked under your coffee table and you'll keep a freeway of fun at everyone's fingertips.
As for me , I get to take over all his toys later but for now ... it's mainly reading, classifying items , flash cards , pairing , linking memory ...
Mummy is also thinking to enrole me into PCF Childcare so I can learn to play and share toys with other children. Interact with them and learn. Daddy thinks we should wait till July before deciding on anything. So we will wait and see ...
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